07/28/12 Saratoga Performing Arts Center


this show was PHENOMENAL, PHAT, and EPIC!! 26 songs strong!! 24 for the main set and 2 for the encore. STELLAR! So stellar and badass when Jon Lampley busted out the tuba during 'Something Coming Over'. Unfortunately the sound crew didnt raise the levels high enough for the deep bass of the tuba but it was really cool to witness it. OAR brought their A-game to SPAC and did not disappoint the crowd at all! Every song they rocked their hardest. Unfortunately, OAR did not sell out SPAC last night...alot of empty seats in the lower level and the upper level had a handful of people. Very disappointing. OAR is a GREAT band! People need to understand their greatness and attend their concerts....especially when their ticket prices are very reasonable (compared to that of DMB).
Furthermore...I taped the show so keep an eye out for my recording. Thanks to all around me for keeping it cool while I taped...except for that chick behind me who loves to scream at every song she was siked to hear. Had to calm her down to restraint jubilation. ;-) GOOD TIMES! I give this year's OAR @ SPAC an A across the board. AMEN.
This show started off stellar with Mr. Brown and really "held on true" throughout the entire show. They just kept busting out song after song, and from my memory all were extremely well played, fun, and just plain awesome. I hope the horn section is around to stay as tbey add so much, like the tuba in Something coming over, I mean, come on, awesome! And anyway? who would not love that song? Getting to experience it live was so intense and worth while. This show just seemed to get better and better after every song. The I feel home at the side of the stage was a nice touch as well. Tons of songs, tons of fun, a brilliant show from top to bottom. This is why I will contiue to see this band, for stellar and awesome shows like this.